
Season 1 – Podcast 11: The Transpacific Experiment With Matt Sheehan

Introduction In this intriguing podcast episode title “The Transpacific Experiment”, we embark on a captivating journey to explore the intertwined history and current dynamics between two tech powerhouses – Silicon Valley and China. Our host, Ina O’ Murchu, leads the way as we delve into the fascinating connections between these two giants and their potential […]

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Season 1 – Podcast 10: Universal Basic Income With Dr. Sean Healy

Introduction Welcome to our insightful blog post where we explore a groundbreaking podcast episode on Universal Basic Income. In this enlightening discussion, the host, Ina O’ Murchu, engages with Dr. Sean Healy, the esteemed Director of Social Justice Ireland, an independent think tank and justice advocacy organisation. The central focus of this episode revolves around

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Season 1 – Podcast 9: Slow Computing With Prof. Rob Kitchin

Introduction In the fast-paced world of today, digital technology has become an integral part of our lives. From smartphones to smart homes, we are constantly connected and surrounded by technology. However, the rapid advancement of digital technology has given rise to concerns about its impact on society, leading to a growing interest in the concept

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Season 1 – Podcast 8: The Future Of Voice With Dr. Catherine Breslin

Introduction Welcome to our latest podcast episode where we dive deep into the world of voice technology. In this exciting discussion, our host Ina O’ Murchu sits down with Dr. Catherine Breslin, a distinguished machine learning scientist specialising in speech and language technology. Together, they explore the future of voice technology, its applications, challenges, and

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Season 1 – Podcast 7: The Precariat With Prof. Guy Standing

Introduction In today’s rapidly changing economic landscape, the concept of the Precariat has emerged as a defining feature of our times. In this podcast episode, host Ina O’ Murchu interviews Prof Guy Standing, a British Professor of Development Studies, about the concept of “The Precariat” and the growing support for Basic Income. Defined as a

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Season 1 – Podcast 6: The Internet Family With Dr. Markie Twist

Introduction Welcome to this insightful podcast episode hosted by Ina O’ Murchu, where Dr. Markie Twist explores the profound impact of technology on relationships with regards to her book “The Internet Family”. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the fascinating discussion and expand on the framework of structure, process, and ecological elements presented in

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Season 1 – Podcast 5: Digisexuality With Neil Mc Arthur

Introduction Welcome to our latest podcast episode, where we delve into the intriguing world of Digisexuality, a term coined by Dr. Neil McArthur and Dr. Markie Twist in their 2017 paper. In today’s episode, Dr. McArthur sheds light on this phenomenon, highlighting the ethical and social implications of technology & sex on relationships and identities.

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Season 1 – Podcast 4: The West Of Ireland & AI With Murray Shanahan

Introduction In this podcast episode, Ina O’ Murchu interviews Murray Shanahan, a senior research scientist at DeepMind. They delve into the captivating history of artificial intelligence (AI) and shed light on the influential figures who paved the way for this groundbreaking field. Understanding the roots of AI is crucial to appreciate its significance and the

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Season 1 – Podcast 3: Privacy & Surveillance In A Big Data Age With Kenneth Cukier

Introduction Welcome to another insightful episode of our podcast, where host Ina O’ Murchu engages in a thought-provoking conversation with Kenneth Cukier, an award-winning journalist and co-author (with Viktor Mayer-Schönberger) of the book “Big Data: A Revolution That Transforms How We Live, Work, and Think.” It was a New York Times bestseller and translated into

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Season 1 – Podcast 2: DAOstack With Kate Beecroft

Introduction In this era of rapid technological advancements, the landscape of collaboration and decision-making is undergoing a profound transformation. Decentralised Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) have emerged as a groundbreaking concept, promising to revolutionise how groups of individuals collaborate and govern themselves. In this podcast episode, we will delve into the world of DAOstack with Kate Beecroft

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Season 1 – Podcast 1: Digisexuality With Dr. Markie Twist

Introduction In today’s digital age, technology has revolutionised the way we connect with others, including our intimate partners. One intriguing phenomenon that has emerged is Digisexuality, a term that refers to individuals who prefer sexual experiences and relating through immersive technologies, even if they don’t involve a human partner. In this blog post, we delve

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How Can Businesses Understand Web 3 Better

How Can Businesses Understand Customers With Web 3.0 Better?

Web 3, also known as the decentralised web, is a new generation of the internet that utilises blockchain technology. This technology gives users more control over their data and online interactions. This new technology can also provide businesses with a deeper understanding of their customers and markets. Now, how can businesses understand web 3 for building

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